Change to Centre opening times

March 18, 2020

UPDATE: Please telephone the Cardinal Hume Centre on 0207 227 1673 before visiting.

In light of the Government's advice, we are changing the way we work so that we can continue offering our services during this difficult time.

This means we need to reduce face to face services, and offer telephone advice in most cases.

From Monday the 23rd of March we are changing our opening hours:

We will be open from 9:30  " 14:00 daily but we will be operating a reduced service.

We ask people who need advice to please telephone the centre on 0207 227 1673 first,

or email between 09:30 and 13:30

Additionally, our Charity Shop on Horseferry Road will be closed until further notice.Please hang on to any items you may want to donate until we are open again.

This may change in the future depending on Government advice and staff availability.

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in need.

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Your gift will help young homeless people and families escape the threat of homelessness.